To the Reader.
NOt to trouble you with an
Invective againſt thoſe mul-
titudes of Pamphlets which
are every day preſt into the World;
or an Apologie, why this was pub-
liſhed amongſt the reſt (the uſual
Matter for ſuch kind of Epiſtles):
Let me in brief preadmoniſh you
ſomething concerning the chief
Scope and Manner of this follow-
ing Diſcourſe.
Invective againſt thoſe mul-
titudes of Pamphlets which
are every day preſt into the World;
or an Apologie, why this was pub-
liſhed amongſt the reſt (the uſual
Matter for ſuch kind of Epiſtles):
Let me in brief preadmoniſh you
ſomething concerning the chief
Scope and Manner of this follow-
ing Diſcourſe.
’Tis not the purpoſe of it, to
ſet down an exact Treatiſe of this
kind of Aſtronomy; but rather to
remove thoſe common Prejudices,
which uſually deter Men from tak-
ing any Argument tending this way,
into their conſiderations. For we
may obſerve, that in thoſe Points
which are cried down by the
ſet down an exact Treatiſe of this
kind of Aſtronomy; but rather to
remove thoſe common Prejudices,
which uſually deter Men from tak-
ing any Argument tending this way,
into their conſiderations. For we
may obſerve, that in thoſe Points
which are cried down by the