26686That the Earth may be a Planet.
or, ſecondly, in the Axis, but out of the
Equator; or, thirdly, beſides both of them.
But it is not placed according to any of theſe
ſcituations, therefore muſt it needs be in
the Centre.
Equator; or, thirdly, beſides both of them.
But it is not placed according to any of theſe
ſcituations, therefore muſt it needs be in
the Centre.
’Tis not in the Equator, and beſide the
Axis. For then, firſt, there will be no E-
quinox at all in ſome places, when the Days
and Nights ſhall be of an equal length. Se-
condly, The Afternoons and Forenoons
will not be of the ſame length; becauſe,
then our Meridian-Line muſt divide the He-
miſphere into unequal parts.
Axis. For then, firſt, there will be no E-
quinox at all in ſome places, when the Days
and Nights ſhall be of an equal length. Se-
condly, The Afternoons and Forenoons
will not be of the ſame length; becauſe,
then our Meridian-Line muſt divide the He-
miſphere into unequal parts.
’Tis not in the Axis, but out of the
Equator; For then, firſt, the Equinox would
not happen when the Sun was in the middle
Line between the two Solſtices, but in ſome
other Parallel, which might be nearer to one
of them, according as the Earth did ap-
proach to one 'Fropick more than another.
Secondly, There would not be ſuch a pro-
portion between the increaſe and decreaſe
of Days and Nights, as now there is.
Equator; For then, firſt, the Equinox would
not happen when the Sun was in the middle
Line between the two Solſtices, but in ſome
other Parallel, which might be nearer to one
of them, according as the Earth did ap-
proach to one 'Fropick more than another.
Secondly, There would not be ſuch a pro-
portion between the increaſe and decreaſe
of Days and Nights, as now there is.