147135That the Moon may be a World.
parated from this Earth, which can be a more
convenient place for Habitation than this Pla-
net; therefore they concluded it was there.
convenient place for Habitation than this Pla-
net; therefore they concluded it was there.
Becauſe it muſt be of a greater Exten-
ſion, and not ſome ſmall Patch of Ground,ſince
’tis likely all Men ſhould have Lived there, if
Adam had not Fell. But for a Satisfaction of
the Arguments, together with a Farther Dif-
couſe of Paradiſe, I ſhall Refer you to thoſe
who have Written Purpoſely upon this Sub-
ject. Being content for my own part to have
ſpoken ſo much of it; as may Conduce to ſhew
the Opinion of others Concerning the Inhabi-
tants of the Moon; I dare not my ſelf Affirm
any thing of theſe Selenites, becauſe I know
not any Ground whereon to Build any Proba-
ble Opinion. But I think that Future Ages
will Diſcover more; and our Poſterity, Per-
haps, may Invent ſome means for our better
Acquaintance with theſe Inhabitants.
ſion, and not ſome ſmall Patch of Ground,ſince
’tis likely all Men ſhould have Lived there, if
Adam had not Fell. But for a Satisfaction of
the Arguments, together with a Farther Dif-
couſe of Paradiſe, I ſhall Refer you to thoſe
who have Written Purpoſely upon this Sub-
ject. Being content for my own part to have
ſpoken ſo much of it; as may Conduce to ſhew
the Opinion of others Concerning the Inhabi-
tants of the Moon; I dare not my ſelf Affirm
any thing of theſe Selenites, becauſe I know
not any Ground whereon to Build any Proba-
ble Opinion. But I think that Future Ages
will Diſcover more; and our Poſterity, Per-
haps, may Invent ſome means for our better
Acquaintance with theſe Inhabitants.