364184That the Earth may be a Planet.
Pyramids which were built to perpetuate
the memory of their Founders, ſhall ſooner
periſh and moulder away into their Primi-
tive Duſt, than the Names of ſuch Wor-
thies ſhall be forgotten. The Monuments
of Learning are more durable than the Mo-
numents of Wealth or Power.
the memory of their Founders, ſhall ſooner
periſh and moulder away into their Primi-
tive Duſt, than the Names of ſuch Wor-
thies ſhall be forgotten. The Monuments
of Learning are more durable than the Mo-
numents of Wealth or Power.
All which Encouragements may be abun-
dantly enough to ſtir up any conſidering
Man, to beſtow ſome part of his time in the
ſtudy and inquiſition of theſe Truths.
dantly enough to ſtir up any conſidering
Man, to beſtow ſome part of his time in the
ſtudy and inquiſition of theſe Truths.
Fœlices animæ, quibus hæc cognoſcere primum,
# Inq; domos ſuperas ſcandere cura fuit.
# Inq; domos ſuperas ſcandere cura fuit.
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Remarks upon the deplorable Fall of the
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A Triennial Viſitation-Sermon, preach’d at
# Reading, before Seth L. Biſhop of Salisbury.
# By John Barrow Prebend of VVindſor.
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Baudrandi Geographia ordine literarum diſpo-
# ſita. 2 Vol. in Fol. Paris. 1682.
# ſita. 2 Vol. in Fol. Paris. 1682.