178To the Reader
’Tis an excellent Rule to be ob-
ſerved in all Diſputes, That Men
ſhould give ſoft Words and hard
Arguments; that they would not ſo
much ſtrive to vex, as to convince an
Enemy. If this were but diligently
practiſed in all Caſes, and on all
ſides, we might in a good meaſure
be freed from thoſe Vexations in
the ſearch of Truth, which the wiſe
Solomon, by his own experience did
ſo much complain of: Eccleſ. 1. 18.
In much Wiſdom there is much Grief;
and he that increaſeth Knowledg, in-
creaſeth Sorrow.
ſerved in all Diſputes, That Men
ſhould give ſoft Words and hard
Arguments; that they would not ſo
much ſtrive to vex, as to convince an
Enemy. If this were but diligently
practiſed in all Caſes, and on all
ſides, we might in a good meaſure
be freed from thoſe Vexations in
the ſearch of Truth, which the wiſe
Solomon, by his own experience did
ſo much complain of: Eccleſ. 1. 18.
In much Wiſdom there is much Grief;
and he that increaſeth Knowledg, in-
creaſeth Sorrow.
To conclude:
Tho there ſhould
be nothing in this Diſcourſe con-
ducible to your Information and
Benefit; yet it may ſerve in the
Peruſal, as it did in the Compoſure,
for the recreation of ſuch leiſure
hours, as may conveniently be ſpa-
red from more weighty Employ-
ments. Farewel.
be nothing in this Diſcourſe con-
ducible to your Information and
Benefit; yet it may ſerve in the
Peruſal, as it did in the Compoſure,
for the recreation of ſuch leiſure
hours, as may conveniently be ſpa-
red from more weighty Employ-
ments. Farewel.