12Books ſold by John Gellibrand.
BAudrandi Geographia ordine litterarum
diſpoſita, 2 Vol. Paris 1682. Folio.
diſpoſita, 2 Vol. Paris 1682. Folio.
Franciſci de le Boe Sylvii opera Medica cum
Collegio Noſocomico, Geneva, 1681. Folio.
Collegio Noſocomico, Geneva, 1681. Folio.
Diemerbroeck Anatomia, in Quarto.
Zodiacus Medico-Gallicus in Tribus Tomis
pro Tribus Annis, Quarto.
pro Tribus Annis, Quarto.
Plutarchs Morals Tranſlated from the
Greek by ſeveral Hands into Engliſh, Octavo.
Greek by ſeveral Hands into Engliſh, Octavo.
Biſhop Wilkins Diſcourſe of Prayer and
Preaching, in Octavo.
Preaching, in Octavo.
------Mathematical Magick, in Octavo.
-----Sermons upon ſeveral Occaſions be-
fore the King, to which is added a Diſcourſe
concerning the Beauty of Providence, by the
ſame Author, in Octavo.
fore the King, to which is added a Diſcourſe
concerning the Beauty of Providence, by the
ſame Author, in Octavo.
Sir William Temples Obſervations upon
the Low-Countries, in Octavo.
the Low-Countries, in Octavo.
-----Miſcellanea, in Oetavo.
Sir John Temples Hiſtory of the Iriſh Re-
bellion, in Octavo.
bellion, in Octavo.
Lucius Florus cum Notis Johan.
in Twelves.
in Twelves.
Virgillii Maronis Opera cum Notis Johan.
Min-Ellii, in Twelves.
Min-Ellii, in Twelves.