Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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136124That the Moon may be a World.
You ſee what probable Grounds and plain
Teſtimonies I have brought for the Confirma-
tion of this Propoſition:
many other things
in this behalf might be ſpoken, which for bre-
vity ſake I now omit, and paſs unto the next.
That ’tis probable there may be Inhabitants in this
# other World, but of what kind they are, is un-
# certain.
I Have already handled the Seaſons, and Me-
teors belonging to this new World;
requiſite that in the next place I ſhould come
unto the third thing which I promis’d, and ſay
ſomewhat of the Inhabitants;
whom there might be many difficult Queſtions
as whether that place be more inconve-
nient for Habitation than our World (as Kep-
lar thinks;)
whether they are the ſeed of Adam,
whether they are there in a bleſſed eſtate, or
elſe what means there may be for their Salva-
with many other ſuch uncertain Enqui-
ries, which I ſhall willingly omit, leaving it
to their Examination who have more leiſure
and Learning for the ſearch of ſuch particulars.
Being for mine own part content only to ſet
down ſuch Notes belonging unto theſe, which
I have obſerv’d in other Writers.
Gum tota
illa regio nobis ignota ſit, remanent inbabitatores
11De doct. ig-
nor antia.
l.2.c. 12.
illi ignoti penitus, ſaith Guſanus;
Since we know
not the Regions of that place, we muſt be al-
together ignorant of the Inhabitants.
hath not yet been any ſuch diſcovery

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