Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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22141That the Earth may be a Planet. we ſnall find that Abraham's Poſterity, in
ſome few Generations, were far more than
there are viſible Stars in the Firmament;
of ſuch only does God ſpeak, becauſe he bids
Abraham look up to the Heavens.
Now all theſe, even unto ſix differences of
Magnitude, are reckoned to be but 1022.
True indeed, at the firſt viewing of the
it may ſeem an incredible thing,
that they ſhould be of no greater a num-
but the reaſon of this is, becauſe they
appear ſcattered and confuſed;
ſo that the
eye cannot place them in any ſuch order, as
to reckon them up, or take any diftinct ſur-
vey of them.
Now 'tis a known truth,
Quod fortius operatur pluralitas partium, ubi
11Sir F Bac.
Table of
numb. 5.
ordo abeſt;
nam inducit ſimilitudinem infiniti,
impedit comprehenſionem: That a plurality
of parts, without order, has a more ſtrong
operation, becauſe it has a kind of ſeeming
inſinity, and ſo hinders comprehenſion.
then beſides, there are more appearances of
Stars many times, than there are bodies of
for the Eye, by reaſon of its weak-
neſs and diſability, to diſcern any thing at
ſo great a diſtance;
as alſo, becauſe of thoſe
Beams which proceed from ſuch remote Bo-
dies, in a twinkling and wavering manner,
and ſo mix and confound themſelves at their
entrance into that Organ:
it muſt needs re-
ceive more repreſentations than there are
true bodies.
But now, if a Man do but
leiſurely and diſtinctly compare the Stars of
the Heaven with thoſe of this number,

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