1the difference would be very ſmall; and in the ſalts, and
ons of grave bodies altogether imperceptible.
ons of grave bodies altogether imperceptible.
The anſwer to
the argument
ken from the flight
of birds contrary
to the motion of the
the argument
ken from the flight
of birds contrary
to the motion of the
An experiment
with which alone
is ſhewn the nullity
of all the
ons produced
gainst the motion
of the Earth.
with which alone
is ſhewn the nullity
of all the
ons produced
gainst the motion
of the Earth.
* Tafaris,
SAGR. Though it came not into my thoughts to make triall of
theſe obſervations, when I was at Sea, yet am I confident that they
will ſucceed in the ſame manner, as you have related; in
tion of which I remember that being in my Cabbin I have asked
an hundred times whether the Ship moved or ſtood ſtill; and
ſometimes I have imagined that it moved one way, when it ſteered
quite another way. I am therefore as hitherto ſatisfied and
vinced of the nullity of all thoſe experiments that have been
duced in proof of the negative part. There now remains the
jection founded upon that which experience ſhews us, namely, that
a ſwift Vertigo or whirling about hath a faculty to extrude and
diſperſe the matters adherent to the machine that turns round;
whereupon many were of opinion, and Ptolomy amongſt the reſt,
that if the Earth ſhould turn round with ſo great velocity, the
ſtones and creatures upon it ſhould be toſt into the Skie, and
that there could not be a morter ſtrong enough to faſten buildings
ſo to their foundations, but that they would likewiſe ſuffer a like
theſe obſervations, when I was at Sea, yet am I confident that they
will ſucceed in the ſame manner, as you have related; in
tion of which I remember that being in my Cabbin I have asked
an hundred times whether the Ship moved or ſtood ſtill; and
ſometimes I have imagined that it moved one way, when it ſteered
quite another way. I am therefore as hitherto ſatisfied and
vinced of the nullity of all thoſe experiments that have been
duced in proof of the negative part. There now remains the
jection founded upon that which experience ſhews us, namely, that
a ſwift Vertigo or whirling about hath a faculty to extrude and
diſperſe the matters adherent to the machine that turns round;
whereupon many were of opinion, and Ptolomy amongſt the reſt,
that if the Earth ſhould turn round with ſo great velocity, the
ſtones and creatures upon it ſhould be toſt into the Skie, and
that there could not be a morter ſtrong enough to faſten buildings
ſo to their foundations, but that they would likewiſe ſuffer a like
SALV. Before I come to anſwer this objection, I cannot but
take notice of that which I have an hundred times obſerved, and
not without laughter, to come into the minds of moſt men ſo ſoon
as ever they hear mention made of this motion of the Earth, which
is believed by them ſo fixt and immoveable, that they not only
ver doubted of that reſt, but have ever ſtrongly believed that all
other men aſwell as they, have held it to be created immoveable,
and ſo to have continued through all ſucceeding ages: and being
ſetled in this perſwaſion, they ſtand amazed to hear that any one
ſhould grant it motion, as if, after that he had held it to be
veable, he had fondly thought it to commence its motion then
(and not till then) when Pythagoras (or whoever elſe was the firſt
hinter of its mobility) ſaid that it did move. Now that ſuch a
liſh conceit (I mean of thinking that thoſe who admit the motion
of the Earth, have firſt thought it to ſtand ſtill from its creation,
untill the time of Pythagoras, and have onely made it moveable
after that Pythagor as eſteemed it ſo) findeth a place in the mindes
of the vulgar, and men of ſhallow capacities, I do not much
der; but that ſuch perſons as Ariſtotle and Ptolomy ſhould alſo
run into this childiſh miſtake, is to my thinking a more admirable
and unpardonable folly.
take notice of that which I have an hundred times obſerved, and
not without laughter, to come into the minds of moſt men ſo ſoon
as ever they hear mention made of this motion of the Earth, which
is believed by them ſo fixt and immoveable, that they not only
ver doubted of that reſt, but have ever ſtrongly believed that all
other men aſwell as they, have held it to be created immoveable,
and ſo to have continued through all ſucceeding ages: and being
ſetled in this perſwaſion, they ſtand amazed to hear that any one
ſhould grant it motion, as if, after that he had held it to be
veable, he had fondly thought it to commence its motion then
(and not till then) when Pythagoras (or whoever elſe was the firſt
hinter of its mobility) ſaid that it did move. Now that ſuch a
liſh conceit (I mean of thinking that thoſe who admit the motion
of the Earth, have firſt thought it to ſtand ſtill from its creation,
untill the time of Pythagoras, and have onely made it moveable
after that Pythagor as eſteemed it ſo) findeth a place in the mindes
of the vulgar, and men of ſhallow capacities, I do not much
der; but that ſuch perſons as Ariſtotle and Ptolomy ſhould alſo
run into this childiſh miſtake, is to my thinking a more admirable
and unpardonable folly.
The ſtupidity of
ſome that think the
Earth to have
gun to move, when
Pythagoras began
to affirme that it
did ſo.
ſome that think the
Earth to have
gun to move, when
Pythagoras began
to affirme that it
did ſo.
SAGR. You believe then, Salviatus, that Ptolomy thought, that
in his Diſputation he was to maintain the ſtability of the Earth
againſt ſuch perſons, as granting it to have been immoveable,
till the time of Pythagoras, did affirm it to have been but then
in his Diſputation he was to maintain the ſtability of the Earth
againſt ſuch perſons, as granting it to have been immoveable,
till the time of Pythagoras, did affirm it to have been but then