Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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              then when they are in a ſtate of having a propenſion of moving
              naturally to the ſame. </s>
              <s>Tie a bottle that hath water in it, to
              the end of a cord, and holding the other end faſt in your hand,
              and making the cord and your arm the ſemi-diameter, and the
              knitting of the ſhoulder the centre, ſwing the bottle very faſt
              bout, ſo as that it may deſcribe the circumference of a circle,
              which, whether it be parallel to the Horizon, or perpendicular to
              it, or any way inclined, it ſhall in all caſes follow, that the
              ter will not fall out of the bottle: nay, he that ſhall ſwing it,
              ſhall find the cord always draw, and ſtrive to go farther from the
              ſhoulder. </s>
              <s>And if you bore a hole in the bottom of the bottle,
              you ſhall ſee the water ſpout forth no leſs upwards into the skie,
              than laterally, and downwards to the Earth; and if inſtead of
              ter, you ſhall put little pebble ſtones into the bottle, and ſwing it
              in the ſame manner, you ſhall find that they will ſtrive in the like
              manner againſt the cord. </s>
              <s>And laſtly, we ſee boys throw ſtones
              a great way, by ſwinging round a piece of a ſtick, at the end of
              which the ſtone is let into a ſlit
                <emph type="italics"/>
              (which ſtick is called by them a
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              all which are arguments of the truth of the concluſion,
              to wit, that the
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              or ſwing conferreth upon the moveable,
              a motion towards the circumference, in caſe the motion be ſwift:
              and therefore if the Earth revolve about its own centre, the
              tion of the ſuperficies, and eſpecially towards the great circle,
              as being incomparably more ſwift than thoſe before named, ought
              to extrude all things up into the air.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SIMP. </s>
              <s>The Argument ſeemeth to me very well proved and
              inforced; and I believe it would be an hard matter to anſwer and
              overthrow it.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>Its ſolution dependeth upon certain notions no leſs
              known and believed by you, than by my ſelf: but becauſe they
              come not into your mind, therefore it is that you perceive not the
              anſwer; wherefore, without telling you it (for that you know the
              ſame already) I ſhall with onely aſſiſting your memory, make you
              to refute this argument.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SIMP. </s>
              <s>I have often thought of your way of arguing, which
              hath made me almoſt think that you lean to that opinion of
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                < n="marg363"/>
                <emph type="italics"/>
              to, Quòd noſtrum ſcire ſit quoddam reminiſci
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              ; therefore I intreat
              you to free me from this doubt, by letting me know your
            <p type="margin">
                < id="marg363"/>
                <emph type="italics"/>
              Our krowledg is
              a kind of
              cence according to
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>What I think of the opinion of
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              you may gather
              from my words and actions. </s>
              <s>I have already in the precedent
              ferences expreſly declared my ſelf more than once; I will purſue
              the ſame ſtyle in the preſent caſe, which may hereafter ſerve you
              for an example, thereby the more eaſily to gather what my
              nion is touching the attainment of knowledg, when a time ſhall </s>