1none of thoſe who aſcribe that principle to the ambient air. As
to the Miracle, or an Angel, I ſhould rather incline to this ſide; for
that which taketh beginning from a Divine Miracle, or from an
Angelical operation; as for inſtance, the tranſportation of a
non ball or bullet into the concave of the Moon, doth in all
bability depend on the vertue of the ſame principle for
ing the reſt. But, as to the Air, it ſerveth my turn, that it doth
not hinder the circular motion of the moveables, which we did
ſuppoſe to move thorow it. And to prove that, it ſufficeth (nor is
more required) that it moveth with the ſame motion, and
eth its circulations with the ſame velocity, that the Terreſtrial
Globe doth.
to the Miracle, or an Angel, I ſhould rather incline to this ſide; for
that which taketh beginning from a Divine Miracle, or from an
Angelical operation; as for inſtance, the tranſportation of a
non ball or bullet into the concave of the Moon, doth in all
bability depend on the vertue of the ſame principle for
ing the reſt. But, as to the Air, it ſerveth my turn, that it doth
not hinder the circular motion of the moveables, which we did
ſuppoſe to move thorow it. And to prove that, it ſufficeth (nor is
more required) that it moveth with the ſame motion, and
eth its circulations with the ſame velocity, that the Terreſtrial
Globe doth.
SIMP. And he likewiſe makes his oppoſition to this alſo;
demanding who carrieth the air about, Nature, or Violence?
And proveth, that it cannot be Nature, alledging that that is
trary to truth, experience, and to Copernicus himſelf.
demanding who carrieth the air about, Nature, or Violence?
And proveth, that it cannot be Nature, alledging that that is
trary to truth, experience, and to Copernicus himſelf.
SALV. It is not contrary to Copernicus in the leaſt, who writeth
no ſuch thing; and this Author aſcribes theſe things to him with
two exceſſive courteſie. It's true, he ſaith, and for my part I
think he ſaith well, that the part of the air neer to the Earth,
ing rather a terreſtrial evaporation, may have the ſame nature,
and naturally follow its motion; or, as being contiguous to it,
may follow it in the ſame manner, as the Peripateticks ſay, that
the ſuperiour part of it, and the Element of fire, follow the
tion of the Lunar Concave, ſo that it lyeth upon them to declare,
whether that motion be natural, or violent.
no ſuch thing; and this Author aſcribes theſe things to him with
two exceſſive courteſie. It's true, he ſaith, and for my part I
think he ſaith well, that the part of the air neer to the Earth,
ing rather a terreſtrial evaporation, may have the ſame nature,
and naturally follow its motion; or, as being contiguous to it,
may follow it in the ſame manner, as the Peripateticks ſay, that
the ſuperiour part of it, and the Element of fire, follow the
tion of the Lunar Concave, ſo that it lyeth upon them to declare,
whether that motion be natural, or violent.
SIMP. The Author will reply, that if Copernicus maketh only
the inferiour part of the Air to move, and ſuppoſeth the upper
part thereof to want the ſaid motion, he cannot give a reaſon, how
that quiet air can be able to carry thoſe grave bodies along with
it, and make them keep pace with the motion of the Earth.
the inferiour part of the Air to move, and ſuppoſeth the upper
part thereof to want the ſaid motion, he cannot give a reaſon, how
that quiet air can be able to carry thoſe grave bodies along with
it, and make them keep pace with the motion of the Earth.
SALV. Copernicus will ſay, that this natural propenſion of the
elementary bodies to ſollow the motion of the Earth, hath a
mited Sphere, out of which ſuch a natural inclination would ceaſe;
beſides that, as I have ſaid, the Air is not that which carrieth the
moveables along with it; which being ſeparated from the Earth,
do follow its motion; ſo that all the objections come to nothing,
which this Author produceth to prove, that the Air cannot cauſe
ſuch effects.
elementary bodies to ſollow the motion of the Earth, hath a
mited Sphere, out of which ſuch a natural inclination would ceaſe;
beſides that, as I have ſaid, the Air is not that which carrieth the
moveables along with it; which being ſeparated from the Earth,
do follow its motion; ſo that all the objections come to nothing,
which this Author produceth to prove, that the Air cannot cauſe
ſuch effects.
The propenſion
of elementary
dies to follow the
Earth, hath a
mited Sphere of
of elementary
dies to follow the
Earth, hath a
mited Sphere of
SIMP. To ſhew therefore, that that cannot be, it will be
ſary to ſay, that ſuch like effects depend on an interne principle,
againſt which poſition, oboriuntur difficillimæ, immò inextricabiles
quæſtiones ſecundæ, of which ſort are theſe that follow.
pium illud internum vel eſt accidens, vel ſubſtantia. Si primum;
quale nam illud? nam qualitas locomotiva circum, hactenus nulla
ſary to ſay, that ſuch like effects depend on an interne principle,
againſt which poſition, oboriuntur difficillimæ, immò inextricabiles
quæſtiones ſecundæ, of which ſort are theſe that follow.
pium illud internum vel eſt accidens, vel ſubſtantia. Si primum;
quale nam illud? nam qualitas locomotiva circum, hactenus nulla