Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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              it will paſſe any further, or elſe that there it would immediately
              ſtand ſtill, and move no further?</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SIMP. </s>
              <s>I believe that it would continue to move a great way
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>But this motion beyond the centre, would it not be
              wards, and according to your aſſertion preternatural, and violent?
              <s>And yet on what other principle do you make it to depend, but
              only upon the ſelf ſame, which did carry the ball to the centre,
              and which you called intrinſecal, and natural? </s>
              <s>Finde, if you can,
              another external projicient, that overtaketh it again to drive it
              upwards. </s>
              <s>And this that hath been ſaid of the motion thorow
              the centre, is alſo ſeen by us here above; for the interne
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              of a grave body falling along a declining ſuperficies, if the ſaid
              ſuperficies be reflected the other way, it ſhall carry it, without a
              jot interrupting the motion, alſo upwards. </s>
              <s>A ball of lead that
              hangeth by a thread, being removed from its perpendicularity,
              ſcendeth ſpontaneouſly, as being drawn by its internal inclination,
              and without any interpoſure of reſt, paſſeth beyond the loweſt
              point of perpendicularity: and without any additional mover,
              moveth upwards. </s>
              <s>I know that you will not deny, but that the
              principle of grave bodies that moveth them downwards, is no leſs
              natural, and intrinſecal, than that principle of light bodies, which
              moveth them upwards: ſo that I propoſe to your conſideration a
              ball of lead, which deſcending through the Air from a great
              titude, and ſo moving by an intern principle, and comming to a
              depth of water, continueth its deſcent, and without any other
              terne mover, ſubmergeth a great way; and yet the motion of
              deſcent in the water is preternatural unto it; but yet nevertheleſs
              dependeth on a principle that is internal, and not external to the
              ball. </s>
              <s>You ſee it demonſtrated then, that a moveable may be
              moved by one and the ſame internal principle, with contrary
            <p type="margin">
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              The natural
              tion changeth it
              ſelfe into that
              which is called
              ternatural and
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            <p type="main">
              <s>SIMP. </s>
              <s>I believe there are ſolutions to all theſe objections,
              though for the preſent I do not remember them; but however it
              be, the Author continueth to demand, on what principle this
              cular motion of grave and light bodies dependeth; that is,
              ther on a principle internal, or external; and proceeding
              wards, ſheweth, that it can be neither on the one, nor on the other,
                <emph type="italics"/>
              Si ab externo; Deuſne illum excitat per continuum
              culum? </s>
              <s>an verò Angelus, an aër? </s>
              <s>Et hunc quidem multi
              nant. </s>
              <s>Sed contra----[In Engliſh thus]
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              If from an externe
              ciple; Whether God doth not excite it by a continued Miracle?
              <s>or an Angel, or the Air? </s>
              <s>And indeed many do aſſign this. </s>
              on the contrary-----.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>Trouble not your ſelf to read his argument; for I am </s>