Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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310130That the Earth may be a Planet. Birds did ſtand ſtill, by a direct aiming at
their Bodies, and following of their flight
by the motion of the Piece;
till at length,
having got a perfect aim, they diſcharge,
and do hit altogether as ſurely, as if the
Birds were ſitting upon a Tree.
whence we may obſerve, that the motion of
the Piece, as in our aiming, it is made to
follow the Birds in their flight, (though it
be but ſlow) yet is communicated to the
Bullet in the Air.
But here it may ſeem very diſficult to give
any reaſon, according to thoſe grounds con-
cerning the flight of Birds;
which being a-
nimated, have a liberty to fly here or there,
to tarry, for a good ſpace of time, in the
open Air;
and ſo ’tis not eaſy to conceive
what means there is, by which they ſhould
participate of the Earth's Diurnal Revolu-
To this Gallilæus anſwers, That the mo-
tion of the Air, as it does turn about the
Clouds, ſo doth it alſo carry with it the
Birds, together with ſuch other like things
that are in it.
For if ſome violent Wind be
able to drive, with ſuch ſwiftneſs, a full
laden Ship, to throw down Towers, to turn
up Trees, and the like;
much more then
may the Diurnal Motion of the Air (which
does ſo far exceed in ſwiftneſs the moſt tem-
peſtuous Wind) be able to carry with it the
Bodies of Birds.
But if all things be turned about by this
11Object. Revolution, then it ſhould ſeem there is

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