Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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301121That the Earth may be a Planet. Though we could not ſhew any ſimilitude of
this Motion in theſe inferior Bodies, with
which we are acquainted;
yet we muſt
know, there may be many things which a-
gree to the whole Frame, that are not diſ-
cernable in divers parts of it.
’Tis natural
unto the Sea to ebb and flow, but yet there
is not this Motion in every drop or bucket
of Water.
So if we conſider every part of
our Bodies ſeverally, the Humors, Bones,
Fleſh, &
c. they are all of them apt to tend
downwards, as being of a condenſed Mat-
but yet conſider them according to the
whole Frame, and then the Blood or Hu-
mors may naturally aſcend upvvards to the
Head, as vvell as deſcend to any of the
lovver parts.
Thus the vvhole Earth may
move round, though the ſeveral parts of it
have not any ſuch particular Revolution of
their ovvn.
Thus likevviſe, though each
condenſed Body being conſidered by it ſelf,
may ſeem to have only a Motion of deſcent,
yet in reference to that vvhole Frame, of
vvhich it is a part, it may alſo partake
of another Motion that may be natural un-
to it.
But ſome may here object: Though the
Earth vvere endovved vvith ſuch Magnetical
Affections, yet vvhat probability is there
that it ſhould have ſuch a Revolution?
I an-
’Tis obſerved of thoſe other Mag-
netical Bodies of Saturn, Jupiter, and the
Sun, that they are carried about their ovvn
and therefore ’tis not

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