Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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333153That the Earth may be a Planet. to borrow elſewhere, whilſt the Sun and the
Stars have it of their own.
From whence
it may be probably concluded, that the Earth
is rather the Subject of this Motion than the
To this it may be added, that the
Sun and Stars ſeem to be of a more excellent
Nature than the other parts of the World,
and therefore ſhould in reaſon be endowed
with the beſt qualifications.
But now Mo-
tion is not ſo noble a condition as Reſt:
that is but a kind of weariſom and ſervile
thing, whereas this is uſually aſcribed to God
Of whom ’tis ſaid;
Immotus ſtabiliſq; manens dans cuncta moveri.
11Bott. de
Phil. l.3.
Arg. 4. Ariſtotle tells us, ’Tis 22De Cælo,
agreeable to reaſon, that the time appoin-
ted for the Revolution of each Orb, ſhould
be proportionable to its bigneſs.
But now
this can only be, by making the Earth a
Planet, and the Subject of the Annual and
Diurnal Motions.
Wherefore ’tis proba-
ble, that this does rather move than the Hea-
According to the common Hypotheſis, the
Primum Mobile will move round in a day.
Saturn in thirty Years. Fupiter in twelve.
Mars in two.
The Sun, Venus, and Mercu-
ry, which have ſeveral Orbs, yet will agree
in their Revolutions, being each of them a-
bout a Year in finiſhing their Courſes:

Whereas, by making the Earth a Planet,
there will be a juſt proportion betwixt

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