Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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313133That the Earth may be a Planet. a one was that mentioned by 11De bello
l. 7. c. 12.
Dion. 1. 54.
which did conſtantly hang over Jeruſalem;
and that likewiſe which appeared about the
time of Agrippa's death, and for many days
together did hang over the City of Rome.

Wherefore Seneca does well diſtinguiſh 22Nat. Qu.
l. 7. c. 6.
of Epigenes, betwixt two ſorts of Comets,
the one being low, and ſuch as ſeems immo-
the other higher, and ſuch as did
conſtantly obſerve their riſings and ſettings,
as the Stars.
I have done with all the Arguments of any
note or difficulty, that are urged againſt this
diurnal motion of the Earth.
Many other
Cavils there are not worth the naming,
which diſcover themſelves to be rather the
Objections of a captious, than a doubtful
Amongſt which, I might juſtly paſs
over thoſe that are ſet down by Alex.
Roſſe: 33Lib. 1.
ſect. 2. c. 6.
But becauſe this Author does proceed in
his whole with ſo much ſcorn and triumph,
it will not be amiſs therefore to examine
what infallible evidence there is in thoſe Ar-
guments upon which he grounds his boaſt-
We have, in one Chapter, no leſs th@n
theſe nine.
Arg. 1. If the Earth did move, then
would it be hotter than the Water, becauſe
motion does produce heat;
and for this rea-
ſon likewiſe, the Water would be ſo hot
and rarified, that it could not be congealed;
fince that alſo does partake of the ſame mo-
tion with the Earth.

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