1deed intelligent and conſiderate, are wont to
imploy more wary and diffident Expreſsi
ons, or (as he ſpeaks) σιφέαδ ἀεὶ τὸ ς,
τὸ τὰχα.
imploy more wary and diffident Expreſsi
ons, or (as he ſpeaks) σιφέαδ ἀεὶ τὸ ς,
τὸ τὰχα.
There are divers Reflections, and other
Paſſages in the following Epiſtle, and even
ſome Experiments (occaſionally mention'd)
which may ſeem either impertinent or ſu
perfluous, but are not ſo: Being purpoſely
written, either to evince ſome truth oppoſ'd,
or diſprove ſome erroneous conceit main
tain'd, by ſome eminent New Philoſopher,
or by ſome other Ingenious Men, who, I
preſum'd, would eaſily forgive me the ha
ving on ſuch occaſions purpoſely omitted
their Names; though an inquiſitive Perſon
will probably diſcover divers of them, by
the mention of the Opinions diſprov'd in
the Experiments I am excuſing.
Paſſages in the following Epiſtle, and even
ſome Experiments (occaſionally mention'd)
which may ſeem either impertinent or ſu
perfluous, but are not ſo: Being purpoſely
written, either to evince ſome truth oppoſ'd,
or diſprove ſome erroneous conceit main
tain'd, by ſome eminent New Philoſopher,
or by ſome other Ingenious Men, who, I
preſum'd, would eaſily forgive me the ha
ving on ſuch occaſions purpoſely omitted
their Names; though an inquiſitive Perſon
will probably diſcover divers of them, by
the mention of the Opinions diſprov'd in
the Experiments I am excuſing.
Ever ſince I diſcern'd the uſefulneſs
of ſpeculative Geometry to Natural Phi
loſophy, the unhappy Diſtempers of my Eyes,
have ſo far kept me from being much con
verſant in it, that I fear I ſhall need the par
doz of my Mathematical Readers, for ſome
Paſſages, which if I had been deeply skill'd
in Geometry, I ſhould have treated more ac
of ſpeculative Geometry to Natural Phi
loſophy, the unhappy Diſtempers of my Eyes,
have ſo far kept me from being much con
verſant in it, that I fear I ſhall need the par
doz of my Mathematical Readers, for ſome
Paſſages, which if I had been deeply skill'd
in Geometry, I ſhould have treated more ac