Buonamici, Francesco, De motu libri X

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            <p type="head">
            <p type="head">
              <s>Paginarum, ſecundo Littera, tertio numerus Linearum, quarto correctio.</s>
            <p type="head">
              <s>EX PRIMO LIBRO.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>3. D 3. Architectoni & ſic
                <expan abbr="vbiq.">vbique</expan>
              4. e 4. id quod concr. 6. non vid. 11. nil vetet. </s>
              <s>f 6. vt nota. </s>
              <s>h 2. inductiuærat. 5. b 11. cre­
              duntur. 6. e 5. rei ſcientia deficiet. 15. ponet. </s>
              <s>f 10. euertetur. 7. d 3. diſcedamus. 6. ſed vel cog. 8. e 7. quòd iud. 12. opera. </s>
              7. quippe quòd. </s>
              <s>g 5. præcedit. 12. cuiuſcuiuſmodi. </s>
              <s>h 11. fertur. 10. e 12. materiata.
                <foreign lang="grc">χωρισὴ.</foreign>
              13. a 8 poteſtas. </s>
              <s>d 2. hoc. 5. in­
              dicantes. 14. e 13. tranſilimus. </s>
              <s>g 1. iudicari 15. f 9. eſſent. 18. f 14.
                <expan abbr="ſubſtãtiã">ſubſtantiam</expan>
                <expan abbr="priorẽ">priorem</expan>
              eſſe. </s>
              <s>g 2. vox
                <foreign lang="grc">
              apud. 20. e 13.
                <foreign lang="grc">ἐντυχεῖς.</foreign>
              f 10.
                <foreign lang="grc">ἔνθα καὶ ἔνθα</foreign>
              21. 26. faciendæ. </s>
              <s>b 3. indicare. </s>
              <s>d 3. creatio. 22. g 8. ſit. </s>
              <s>h vlt.
                <foreign lang="grc">ὑποστατικῶς</foreign>
              24. f 4.
                <foreign lang="grc">ἡ τέχνη.</foreign>
              g 11. diſun­
              guam. 13. ita fit. 25. b 3. producatur ſimile nunquam. 10. fit. </s>
              <s>vt. </s>
              <s>c 2. nam dicere poſ. </s>
              <s>d 11. Ariſ. </s>
              <s>inter ita. 26. e 1. dum fit. </s>
              <s>f 11.
              En tibi. </s>
              <s>h 9. niti ſemper. 27. c 13 formę. 29. a 2. mouet. </s>
              <s>b 14 efficeret. 30. c 9. abſolutus. </s>
              <s>g 2. ſint. 31. c 1.
                <foreign lang="grc">ἀντερείδουσιν</foreign>
              <s>32. e 11. corrige ſic.
                <foreign lang="grc">τὰ δὲ γένει ἕτεπα πλεῖον διέστηκεν ἢ τὰ εἴδει</foreign>
              . </s>
              <s>g 12.
                <expan abbr="fiãt">fiant</expan>
              . 34. c 4. an'num. 18. notuere. </s>
              <s>g 1. diſtortæ & per­
              plexę. </s>
              <s>h 2.
                <foreign lang="grc">τύχῳ</foreign>
              . 4. audis. 5. quadrate. 37. a 9. quid ſit. 38. e 11. ſine. 13. ſeparantur. 39. d 5.
                <foreign lang="grc">ἒχει πολιτικὴν</foreign>
              15. cluent.
              <s>40. h 12. Huic. 14.
                <foreign lang="grc">ὑπομνηματιστοῦ</foreign>
              . 42. h 3.
                <expan abbr="quanq̃">quanque</expan>
              . 13. 14. ex parte neceſſe eſt eſſe. 43. 27. vniuerſalis. </s>
              <s>c 4
                <expan abbr="euẽta">euenta</expan>
              . </s>
              <s>g 12. de­
              negari. 44. e 8. negantem. </s>
              <s>g 4. 10. ſubalternans. </s>
              <s>h 7. definitas. 45. 23. vt
                <expan abbr="aliq.">alique</expan>
              d 15. primi. 49 a 8 quanque. 50. e 15.
                <expan abbr="anteq̃">anteque</expan>
              <s>f 15. philoſophiæ. 51. a 12.
                <expan abbr="imitãtur">imitantur</expan>
              artes. 14. earum c 12. medicos. </s>
              <s>d 1.
                <foreign lang="grc">μιμητικαὶ</foreign>
              52. f 5. quę quid. 8. liberali. </s>
              <s>g 14. ſi
                <expan abbr="neq.">neque</expan>
              53. a 9.
                <foreign lang="grc">δ̀ εἰκόνα.</foreign>
              c 3.
                <foreign lang="grc">ἀκριβείας.</foreign>
              13. perſpicuitas. 54. e 1. quod ad. 9 pareat. 10. ſiqua. 12. Phyſicæ. </s>
              <s>h 7. tranſcendentiæ. 13.
              habeant ſubiiciuntur & determinantur. 55. d 11. fuerat
                <foreign lang="grc">εἰσιέτω</foreign>
              . 56. e 10. qua ſunt. 57. d 4. materiæ. 58 f 6. at ſic. 7.
                <foreign lang="grc">περας
              14. hexagonum. </s>
              <s>c 6.
                <expan abbr="cõficitur">conficitur</expan>
              . 60. g 13. à diuino. </s>
              <s>h 2. ſubalternantem ad hanc ab alia. 61. c 2. concipiamus. 7. cum
              & ſic
                <expan abbr="vbiq.">vbique</expan>
              63. b 10. corporeę. 64. e 13. corpus. </s>
              <s>g 2. fit. 13. quę ope. </s>
              <s>h 1. efficitur ſecundum vt. 4.
                <foreign lang="grc">ὑπερούσιον.</foreign>
              5. naturę. 65.
              b 14. tum præterea c 11. vt vnum definitioni. 66. e 4. noſſe. 68. e 7. effectus. </s>
              <s>g 5.
                <expan abbr="quanq.">quanque</expan>
              69. b 8. illarum. </s>
              <s>d 15. eclipſi & ſic
                <expan abbr="vbiq.">vbique</expan>
              70. f 12. ſit & alt. </s>
              <s>h 4. addimus. 8.
                <expan abbr="nanq.">nanque</expan>
              art. 71. a 11. de prim. 72. g 10. ſententiam. 73. c 2.
                <expan abbr="eſſentiã">eſſentiam</expan>
              . 74. e 16.
                <expan abbr="mouẽtis">mouentis</expan>
              <s>g 11. in prima. 85. b 12. modo erit dial. 86. e 7. corrige verba Græca ſic
                <foreign lang="grc">φυσικὸς τούτων. 10. δὴ τις ἑκατερος.</foreign>
              14. eius eſſe
              quod. 87. a 15. poteſt quae c 8. ex eo eſſe ord. 90. g 3. recipiunt. </s>
              <s>h 2. eſſe de ſubſt. 94. e 7. ſubſtantiæ vel acc. 14. omne. </s>
              <s>g 12.
              eędam quid de. 97. a 2. illuſtrentur. </s>
              <s>b 6. ſimpliciter. 107. c 12. & methodo 109. b 15. verum. </s>
              <s>c 1. Placitis. 110. e 4. qua­
              dam. </s>
              <s>h 9. careat quę
                <expan abbr="cõtradicentia">contradicentia</expan>
              ſunt at. 111. a 6. ſectatorib. eius. 112. f 9
                <foreign lang="grc">τῆθην.</foreign>
              113. b 11. formas. 114. h 1. Abderiticè.
              <s>115. b 5. ſi verò. </s>
              <s>c 11. accepta. 116. e 9.
                <expan abbr="eademq́">eademque</expan>
              . 119. c 2. prius natura ſit & id. 13. excreſcat. 120. f 11. adhibent. 121. 7.
              niti per ſe. 122. f 8.
                <foreign lang="grc">γινεσθαι. </foreign>
                <foreign lang="grc">γινεσθαι.</foreign>
              124. c 1. cauſſam &.</s>
            <p type="head">
              <s>EX LIBRO SECVNDO.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>126. F 7. qua ſanè. 11. ſecantur 127. b 13. categorias & ſic vbique. 128. g 10. in diff. 130. e 5. aliquando. 131. a 5. eſſe vn­
              de. </s>
              <s>b 3. contracto c 12. mintrat. 132. h 11.
                <expan abbr="mihiq́">mihique</expan>
              . </s>
              <s>ſat. 134. h 1.
                <foreign lang="grc">ὄντος.</foreign>
              136. e 12.
                <foreign lang="grc">ἔργου</foreign>
              . 137. d 11. ſimul. 138. g 5. profeſsi.
              <s>14. quæque. 15. diſſoluere. 140. h 1. indicandę. 141 a 14. auctio. </s>
              <s>d 8. illuminatio. 142. f 4. exprimatur. 143. c 10. lices. </s>
              <s>d 15.
              partes. 145. c 2. aliud niſi forma. 146. g 11. innitatur. </s>
              <s>h 15. cauillum & ſic
                <expan abbr="vbiq.">vbique</expan>
              147. a 13. 14. qualitas. </s>
              <s>b 4. dictum eſt. </s>
              <s>d 13.
              agens. 148. e 1. mutationi
                <expan abbr="">dum</expan>
              à diuerſis obiectis immutatur; ideo. 150. c 9. deductione. 151. c 13. diffluere. 153. d 15. vt cum.
              <s>154. a 13.
                <expan abbr="cõſtituimus">conſtituimus</expan>
              . </s>
                <foreign lang="grc">ς. </foreign>
                <foreign lang="grc">γίνεσθαι.</foreign>
              155. c 14. eſſe & in 157 b 3. generabilis. 158. f 15. licet. 159. 22. ſunt. </s>
              <s>d 11. mutatio­
              ne. 160. f 14. intelligit. 162. f 14. diſcimus. </s>
              <s>h 12. fit. 163. c 10. illarum. 165. a 10.
                <expan abbr="reſolutionẽ">reſolutionem</expan>
              . 12. rerum poſtulante. </s>
              <s>b 2. in
              ipſo. 5. quo puncta. 166. f 3. vt dum. </s>
              <s>h 11. lis inter. 167. d 5. eiſdem. 169. b 2.
                <expan abbr="quæq́">quæque</expan>
              . </s>
              <s>d 4. virtutem. 170. c 7. mutatione &
              quan. 171. a 12.
                <expan abbr="vtriq.">vtrique</expan>
              b 7. quæ int. </s>
              <s>d 3. quoquam. 172. g 5. perpeſsionis pernicioſę genſ. 173. b 3. motum proprie ſubſt. 175.
              a 12. forma. 176. e 1. habeant. 2. conflantur. </s>
              <s>f 12. rationis. </s>
              <s>g 14. nominis. </s>
              <s>h 5. ſi vt. 177. a 10. concedamus. </s>
              <s>b 9 illę. 178.
              e 5. interea. </s>
              <s>f 6. & ap. 7. rationalis &. 179. b 11.
                <expan abbr="quã">quam</expan>
              neg. 14. cui. </s>
              <s>c 4. poſteriore. 180. e 7. e Themiſt. </s>
              <s>h 6. inſtas. 14. hac mach.
              <s>15. approbas. 181. c 8. fundentur. 13.
                <expan abbr="neq.">neque</expan>
              ſic. </s>
              <s>d 7. canon. 10. priuationes. 12. ſicubi. 182. f 13. occidunt. </s>
              <s>h 25. præſtet. 183.
              b 7. ſtatue. </s>
              <s>c 12. abſentia. </s>
              <s>actu eſt eſſe. 184. e 3. ſint. </s>
              <s>g 12 manens. </s>
              <s>h 12. ſunt. 185. a 10. conſtitutiones. 186. f 15. verè dicat.
              <s>g 7. dicemus. </s>
              <s>h 4. vis. 187. b 15.
                <expan abbr="potiusq́ue">potiusque</expan>
              . </s>
              <s>c 8. per ſe ipſam 188. e 3.
                <foreign lang="grc">ἂλλο.</foreign>
              12. vſus nom. </s>
              <s>f 4. aio infor. 8. materia concr. 15.
              reſtituitur, & intenditur. 189. b 1. tamen for. </s>
              <s>d 14.
                <foreign lang="grc">τὸ γινόμενον,</foreign>
              & o. 190. c 5. 7. capiat. </s>
              <s>g 9 idonea. 191. a 6. plurib. mate­
              riæ portionibus
                <expan abbr="">non</expan>
              . 198. g 8. illuminationis in. 199. a 7. interitus? </s>
              <s>b 2. quod ſuum. 205. b 15. cęteris. </s>
              <s>c 10. vt eius. 206. g 2.
              ſupereſt. </s>
              <s>h 1. naturale. 207. c 9. ibi affl. 208. c 8. ſenſu. </s>
              <s>g 14. oſtenderimus. 209. b 7. ducitur. </s>
              <s>c 4. ſi non in eo gen. </s>
              <s>at in alio.
              <s>a 10. e 4. ſit per. </s>
              <s>g 11. primò de illo de rel. h 7. tribuitis. 212. f 8. conſtat. 10. aſſecutum eſt. 13. demonſtrationis vi. 213. a 15.
              aliquem. 16. omnia. </s>
              <s>c 3. ibi non ſer. 214. e 15. præterea. </s>
              <s>f 6. componeres. </s>
              <s>g 15. mobilis. 217. a 3. eſſe de loco. </s>
              <s>b 9. maneat.
              <s>c 4. mens noſtra. 12. quoniam motum. 218. g 3. nec magis. 15. cominus. </s>
              <s>h 4. præcederet. 220. e 14. res ipſa. </s>
              <s>h 14.
                <expan abbr="eadẽ">eadem</expan>
              <s>221. c 8. metiri tametſi. 222. e 12. nanciſcatur. </s>
              <s>f 14. quippe quae propè. 223. a 6. petitur à ſaxo. 13
                <expan abbr="priusq́">priusque</expan>
              . </s>
              <s>d 13. qua diſp. 14.
              poſtulat. 225. b 4. ortu. 5. pellat. </s>
              <s>d 6. aſcenſui. 226. g 7.
                <expan abbr="conſimilẽ">conſimilem</expan>
              rationem in. 227. b 3. vereor.</s>
            <p type="head">
              <s>EX LIBRO TERTIO.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>228 G 10. animus. 14. natura. 229. a 3. fuerit, &. </s>
              <s>d 5. tranſilit. 230. e 5. ſuſtinens. </s>
              <s>g 14. de ipſo vbi. </s>
              <s>h 5. à reliquis. 231. c 2.
              Burlęus. </s>
              <s>d 6. particulis. 232. e 3. effectus. </s>
              <s>f 7. opere. </s>
              <s>g 6. requiri. 14 ſit. 233. a 6. dictum fuit: æger. </s>
              <s>d 8.
                <expan abbr="eoq.">eoque</expan>
              235. d 4 per­
              ſpicuum. 236. h 15.
                <foreign lang="grc">οὐρανὸς.</foreign>
              237. c 13. redundat. 238. h 11. in ſubſt. 239. a 2. natura. 24. d 3. ſuſcipiunt. 242. c 2. Hippo­
              cratis & ſic
                <expan abbr="vbiq.">vbique</expan>
              11. & ſapit. 244. f 1
              . </s>
              <s>natura. 246. c 8. ſanari. 247. a 1. ſubſtantiæ. </s>
              <s>c 3. eſſentiali. 248. h 6. quies verò. 249.
              b 9. materia. </s>
              <s>c 1. inuenerat. 250. g 7. ſignificati. 251. c 14. præferendam. 252. e 3. eum. 4. cum id aut. </s>
              <s>f 10.
                <expan abbr="probationẽ">probationem</expan>
              . </s>
              <s>g 4.
              partes. </s>
              <s>A B. 6. quin fieri. 253. a 5. ſic progre. </s>
              <s>b 11. extenta. 254. f 11. neceſſaria. 255. c 7
                <expan abbr="approbatã">approbatam</expan>
              . 14.
                <expan abbr="">quae</expan>
                <expan abbr="ſubiectũ">ſubiectum</expan>
              . 256. e 12.
              illa. </s>
              <s>f 5. oppoſito. 260. g 2. moueatur. 10. qui fit. 13.
                <expan abbr="dicebãt">dicebant</expan>
              animum eſſe corpus. 261. c 14. potuit. </s>
              <s>d 14. vera. 262. c 14. per­
              ſpicuæ. </s>
              <s>h 5. ſeipſo non moueri primo, & ab alio. 263. d 11. hyeme
                <expan abbr=".n.">enim</expan>
              264. f 3. ordinatim. </s>
              <s>g 7. ſicca. </s>
              <s>h 5. tibi ſuſp. 15. mota.
              <s>265. a 15. ſubactum. 266. g 6 animales. 267 c 4. calore. 268. e 8. aut vbi. </s>
              <s>f 3. ea. 269. a 4. quid ergo. 15. at certe. 270 g 11.
              inſit. 271. c 2. eſt ei quod eſt. 6. poſſent. </s>
              <s>d 5. nos qd. 272. e 9.
                <foreign lang="grc">τρόπον.</foreign>
              g 11. delibare h 12. natura poſt. 273. b 2. poſſum. 5.
              quid ſibi. 274. h 3.
                <expan abbr="notionẽ">notionem</expan>
              . 275. c 1. conuertit. 6. notus. </s>
              <s>d 6. cuius cauſſam. 277. b 10. poſt certè. 278. f 13. forma. </s>
              <s>g 13. ac­
              cedat. 281. c 7. ipſo term. 14. ne pro eo. 282. f 8.
                <expan abbr="cõtracta">contracta</expan>
              . 283. d 4. ſenſum pellere. 287. a 2. ſecunda. 3.
                <expan abbr="exagitatã">exagitatam</expan>
              . </s>
              <s>b 6. po­
              terat. </s>
              <s>c 1. materia. 14.
                <expan abbr="totã">totam</expan>
              . 288. e 3. ſecus ſit. </s>
              <s>f 7.
                <expan abbr="ſecũdo">ſecundo</expan>
              de cęlo. </s>
              <s>T. 27. h 6. motus
                <expan abbr="quidã">quidam</expan>
              . 8. deſinat. 15. denominatio. 290.
              g 13. vtrum'ne. 291. a 2.
                <expan abbr="potẽtia">potentia</expan>
              quæ 10.
                <expan abbr="rõnes">rationes</expan>
              opp. </s>
              <s>b 2. nobis apparet. 292. e 8. habitus illi ſupponatur. </s>
              <s>Quòd. 293. a 3. per
              ſuam for. </s>
              <s>b 12. raro'ue. 13. monemus. </s>
              <s>d 1. alens. 2. quod fit in. 7. tum nego. 294. e 10. habet
                <expan abbr="rationẽ">rationem</expan>
              . 14. ſic & illa. </s>
              <s>f 8. ſimi­
              lis. </s>
              <s>g 7. ſecundum ſe. 10. habet. </s>
              <s>h 10.
                <expan abbr="">ratio</expan>
              poteſtatis. 295. b 15. eum eſſe. 296. g 7. motura eſt vt hoc ſine. 297. d 12. Simplicio.
              <s>303. a 1 eas eſſe. 304. g 2.
                <foreign lang="grc">φρονοῦν φρονᾶ</foreign>
              . 305. a 15. poſsit in actum. </s>
              <s>d 12. à quo vel quod ſem. 306. e 3.
                <expan abbr="Quęcunq.">Quęcunque</expan>
              verò caſu ſi­
              cut ibi
                <expan abbr="fiũt">fiunt</expan>
              . </s>
              <s>i. vt in artifice
                <foreign lang="grc">κινεῖ,</foreign>
              quorum materia poteſt & à ſe ipſa moueri eo motu quo ſemen mouet. </s>
              <s>g 7. nalitus. </s>
              <s>h 5. inuſtis.
              <s>307. d 1. quieſt. 313. b 3. ſic pars. 6. ſi per ſe. 13. ſecundum quas. </s>
              <s>c 1. hoc aut. </s>
              <s>d 12. ſint confirm. 15. accidensm
                <expan abbr="naturã">naturam</expan>
              . 314.
              h 5. Alexandro. 14 gremio. 315. a 6. rex excel. 9. ſi deficiatur. </s>
              <s>c 7. is. 316. f 8. aliquam. </s>
              <s>h 1. ita vt niſi. 13.
                <expan abbr="cõtinuæ">continuæ</expan>
              . 317. b 5.
              Primum quia. 6. denominantur. </s>
              <s>c 12. imperfecti. </s>
              <s>d 13. plumbeus. 318. f 14. ita monet. </s>
              <s>g 4. materia ſuæ 3. 9. b 8 leue ſic. 11.
              grauitate 321. c 5. animali primum viuens pro port. </s>
              <s>d 5. monſtrat. 322. g 1. hos mot. 323. a 6. mouere. 324. e in tit. </s>
              ex. </s>
              <s>f 7. quæ ex ſe ipſa. </s>
              <s>h 2. in ſcupo. 325. a 7 violentiam. 12. quoquo. </s>
              <s>d 6. ſemper ab alio. 326. f 14. teſtetur. </s>
              <s>h 1. ratio pro­
              pria. 12. dictorum. 327. a 17. vt à forma. </s>
              <s>b 7. moueri. </s>
              <s>c 12. poteſtatum. </s>
              <s>d 15. arbitror. 328. g 8. nil perfectè. </s>
              <s>h 2. in poteſt.
              <s>229. b 10. partienda. </s>
              <s>d 10. igitur & materia. 330. e 8 materiæ proximę. 10. forent. 17. moueretur. </s>
              <s>f 11. alterum quidem.
              <s>g 8. fit eſſe. </s>
              <s>h 9. ſufficiente. 332. e 7. natura ſic. 15. tibi pl. h 3. admittant. 10. ſi non re ſep. 336. f 12. auctor hic. 13. ſolę.
              <s>h 14. recidat. 339. a 3. carere. 14. commeant. </s>
              <s>b 12. continuas. </s>
              <s>c 10. vbi cum.</s>