Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>Well ſaid you
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              for perhaps it may anon change
              countenance. </s>
              <s>And that I may no longer hold you in ſuſpenſe,
              tell me,
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              do you really believe, that the Experiment of
              the ſhip ſquares ſo very well with our purpoſe, as that it ought to
              be believed, that that which we ſee happen in it, ought alſo to
              evene in the Terreſtrial Globe?</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SIMPL. </s>
              <s>As yet I am of that opinion; and though you have
              alledged ſome ſmall diſparities, I do not think them of ſo great
              moment, as that they ſhould make me change my judgment.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>I rather deſire that you would continue therein, and
              hold for certain, that the effect of the Earth would exactly anſwer
              that of the ſhip: provided, that when it ſhall appear prejudicial to
              your cauſe, you would not be humorous and alter your thoughts.
              <s>You may haply ſay, Foraſmuch as when the ſhip ſtands ſtill, the
              ſtone falls at the foot of the Maſt, and when ſhe is under ſail, it
              lights far from thence, that therefore by converſion, from the ſtones
              falling at the foot is argued the ſhips ſtanding ſtill, and from its
              falling far from thence is argued her moving; and becauſe that
              which occurreth to the ſhip, ought likewiſe to befall the Earth:
              that therefore from the falling of the ſtone at the foot of the
              er is neceſſarily inferred the immobility of the Terreſtrial Globe.
              <s>Is not this your argumentation?</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SIMPL. </s>
              <s>It is; and reduced into that conciſeneſs, as that it is
              become moſt eaſie to be apprehended.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>Now tell me; if the ſtone let fall from the
              top, when the ſhip is in a ſwift courſe, ſhould fall exactly in
              the ſame place of the ſhip, in which it falleth when the ſhip is at
              anchor, what ſervice would theſe experiments do you, in order to
              the aſcertaining whether the veſſel doth ſtand ſtill or move?</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SIMPL. </s>
              <s>Juſt none: Like as, for exemple, from the beating of
              the pulſe one cannot know whether a perſon be aſleep or awake,
              ſeeing that the pulſe beateth after the ſame manner in ſleeping as
              in waking.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>Very well. </s>
              <s>Have you ever tryed the experiment of the
            <p type="main">
              <s>SIMPL. </s>
              <s>I have not; but yet I believe that thoſe Authors
              which alledg the ſame, have accurately obſerved it; beſides that
              the cauſe of the diſparity is ſo manifeſtly known, that it admits
              of no queſtion.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>That it is poſſible that thoſe Authors inſtance in it,
              without having made tryal of it, you your ſelf are a good
              mony, that without having examined it, alledg it as certain, and in
              a credulous way remit it to their authority; as it is now not onely
              poſſible, but very probable that they likewiſe did; I mean, did
              remit the ſame to their Predeceſſors, without ever arriving at one </s>