Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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              been partaker, as part of the ſhip, at the time that it was upon
              the Maſt; the other is the new motion of deſcent, which alſo
              muſt needs be an hinderance of that other progreſſive motion.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>As to the impediment of the Air, I do not deny it
              you; and if the thing falling were a light matter, as a feather,
              or a lock of wool, the retardation would be very great, but in
              an heavy ſtone is very exceeding ſmall. </s>
              <s>And you your ſelf but
              even now did ſay, that the force of the moſt impetuous wind
              ſufficeth not to ſtir a great ſtone from its place; now do but
              ſider what the calmer air is able to do, being encountred by a
              ſtone no more ſwift than the whole ſhip. </s>
              <s>Nevertheleſſe, as I ſaid
              before, I do allow you this ſmall effect, that may depend upon
              ſuch an impediment; like as I know, that you will grant to me,
              that if the air ſhould move with the ſame velocity that the ſhip
              and ſtone hath, then the impediment would be nothing at all.
              <s>As to the other of the additional motion downwards; in the firſt
              place it is manifeſt, that theſe two, I mean the circular, about
              the centre, and the ſtreight, towards the centre, are not
              ries, or deſtructive to one another, or incompatible. </s>
              <s>Becauſe that
              as to the moveable, it hath no repugnance at all to ſuch motions,
              for you your ſelf have already confeſt the repugnance to be
              gainſt the motion which removeth from the centre, and the
              nation to be towards the motion which approacheth to the centre.
              <s>Whence it doth of neceſſity follow, that the moveable hath
              ther repugnance, nor propenſion to the motion which neither
              proacheth, nor goeth from the centre, nor conſequently is there
              any cauſe for the diminiſhing in it the faculty impreſſed. </s>
              aſmuch as the moving cauſe is not one alone, which it hath
              tained by the new operation of retardation; but that they are
              two, diſtinct from each other, of which, the gravity attends
              ly to the drawing of the moveable towards the centre, and the
              vertue impreſs't to the conducting it about the centre, there
              maineth no occaſion of impediment.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SIMPL. </s>
              <s>Your argumentation, to give you your due, is very
              probable; but in reality it is invelloped with certain intricacies,
              that are not eaſie to be extricated. </s>
              <s>You have all along built upon
                < n="marg317"/>
              a ſuppoſition, which the
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              Schools will not eaſily grant
              you, as being directly contrary to
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              and it is to take for
              known and manifeſt, That the project ſeparated from the
              cient, continueth the motion by
                <emph type="italics"/>
              vertue impreſſed
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              on it by the
              ſaid projicient, which
                <emph type="italics"/>
              vertue impreſſed
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              is a thing as much
              ſted in
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              Philoſophy, as the paſſage of any accident
              from one ſubject into another. </s>
              <s>Which doctrine doth hold, as I
              believe it is well known unto you, that the project is carried by
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              which in our caſe happeneth to be the Air. </s>
              <s>And </s>