Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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              Weſt, nor as you would have it, upon the Piece, but rather far
              diſtant towards the Eaſt. </s>
              <s>For according to your explanation, it
              would have two motions, the which would with one conſent carry
              it thitherward, to wit, the common motion of the Earth, which
              carrieth the Piece and the ball from C A towards E D; and the
              fire which carrieth it by the inclined line B D, both motions
              wards the Eaſt, and therefore they are ſuperiour to the motion of
              the Earth.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SAGR. </s>
              <s>Not ſo, Sir. </s>
              <s>The motion which carrieth the ball
              wards the Eaſt, cometh all from the Earth, and the fire hath no
              part at all therein: the motion which mounteth the ball upwards,
              is wholly of fire, wherewith the Earth hath nothing to do. </s>
              that it is ſo, if you give not fire, the ball will never go out of the
              Piece, nor yet riſe upwards a hairs breadth; as alſo if you make
              the Earth immoveable, and give fire, the ball without any
              nation ſhall go perpendicularly upwards. </s>
              <s>The ball therefore
              ving two motions, one upwards, and the other in gyration, of both
              which the tranſverſe line B D is compounded, the impulſe upward
              is wholly of fire, the circular cometh wholly from the Earth, and
              is equal to the Earths motion: and being equal to it, the ball
              maintaineth it ſelf all the way directly over the mouth of the
              Piece, and at laſt falleth back into the ſame: and becauſe it
              ways obſerveth the erection of the Piece, it appeareth alſo
              nually over the head of him that is near the Piece, and therefore
              it appeareth to mount exactly perpendicular towards our Zenith,
              or vertical point.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SIMP. </s>
              <s>I have yet one doubt more remaining, and it is, that in
              regard the motion of the ball is very ſwift in the Piece, it ſeems
              not poſſible, that in that moment of time the tranſpoſition of the
              Piece from C A to A D ſhould confer ſuch an inclination upon
              the tranſverſe line C D, that by means thereof, the ball when it
              cometh afterwards into the air ſhould be able to follow the courſe
              of the Earth.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SAGR. </s>
              <s>You err upon many accounts; and firſt, the inclination
              of the tranſverſe line C D, I believe it is much greater than you
              take it to be, for I verily think that the velocity of the Earths
              tion, not onely under the Equinoctial, but in our paralel alſo, is
              greater than that of the ball whilſt it moveth in the Piece; ſo that
              the interval C E would be abſolutely much bigger than the whole
              length of the Piece, and the inclination of the tranſverſe line
              ſequently bigger than half a right angle: but be the velocity of
              the Earth more, or be it leſs, in compariſon of the velocity of the
              fire, this imports nothing; for if the velocity of the Earth be ſmall,
              and conſequently the inclination of the tranſverſe line be little
              alſo; there is then alſo need but of little inclination to make the </s>