Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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            <p type="main">
                <pb xlink:href="040/01/196.jpg" pagenum="178"/>
              motion of deſcent, diminiſhed
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in infinitum
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              by the approach of
              the moveable to the firſt ſtate of reſt, which approximation is
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in infinitum.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              Now let us find the other diminution
              of velocity, which likewiſe may proceed to infinity, by the
              minution of the gravity of the moveable, and this ſhall be
              ſented by drawing other lines from the point A, which contein
              angles leſſe than the angle B A E, which would be this line A D,
              the which interſecting the parallels K L, H I, F G, in the points
              M, N, and O, repreſent unto us the degrees F O, H N, K M,
              acquired in the times A F, A H, A K, leſſe than the other
              grees F G, H I, K L, acquired in the ſame times; but theſe
              latter by a moveable more ponderous, and thoſe other by a
              moveable more
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              And it is manifeſt, that by the retreat of
              the line E A towards A B, contracting the angle E A B (the
              which may be done
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in infinitum,
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              like as the gravity may
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              be diminiſhed) the velocity of the cadent moveable may
              in like manner be diminiſhed
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in infinitum,
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              and ſo conſequently
              the cauſe that impeded the projection; and therefore my thinks
              that the union of theſe two reaſons againſt the projection,
              niſhed to infinity, cannot be any impediment to the ſaid
              ction. </s>
              <s>And couching the whole argument in its ſhorteſt terms, we
              will ſay, that by contracting the angle E A B, the degrees of
              locity L K, I H, G F, are diminiſhed; and moreover by the
              treat of the parallels K L, H I, F G, towards the angle A, the
              fame degrees are again diminiſhed; and both theſe diminutions
              extend to infinity: Therefore the velocity of the motion of
              ſcent may very well diminiſh ſo much, (it admitting of a twoſold
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in infinitum
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              ) as that it may not ſuffice to reſtore the
              moveable to the circumference of the wheel, and thereupon may
              occaſion the projection to be hindered and wholly obviated.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>Again on the contrary, to impede the projection, it is
              ſary that the ſpaces by which the project is to deſcend for the
              reuniting it ſelf to the Wheel, be made ſo ſhort and cloſe
              ther, that though the deſcent of the moveable be retarded, yea
              more, diminiſhed
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in infinitum,
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              yet it ſufficeth to reconduct it thither:
              and therefore it would be requiſite, that you find out a
              on of the ſaid ſpaces, not only produced to infinity, but to ſuch an
              infinity, as that it may ſuperate the double infinity that is made in
              the diminution of the velocity of the deſcending moveable. </s>
              how can a magnitude be diminiſhed more than another, which
              hath a twofold diminution
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in infinitum
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              ? </s>
              <s>Now let
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              ſerve how hard it is to philoſophate well in nature, without
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              The degrees of velocity diminiſhed
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in infinitum,
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              as well
              by the diminution of the gravity of the moveable, as by the
              proxination to the firſt term of the motion, that is, to the ſtate </s>