Castelli, Benedetto, Of the mensuration of running waters, 1661

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1have, that ſo it may not depoſe the matter of the muddineſs when
it is intended to be let into Volana.
* In Chanels
made by hand.
So that making the Line of the bottome neer to Vigarano, it
would riſe to thoſe prodigious termes that they do make bigger,
and they may thence expect thoſe miſchiefs, for which they
will not admit of introducing it into the ſaid Po of Volana.
Amongſt the wayes therefore that I have thought of for effect­
ing that ſame remotion, and which I have cauſed to be viewed by
skilful men that have taken a level thereof, (with the aſſiſtance of
the venerable Father, D. Benedetto Caſtelli of Caſina, a man of
much fidelity and honeſty, and no leſs expert in ſuch like affairs
touching waters, than perfect in the Mathematick Diſciplines) two
onely, the reſt being either too tedious, or too dangerous to the
City, have ſeemed to me worthy, and one of them alſo more than
the other, to offer to your Lordſhip.
The one is to remit it into the Chanel of Volana, thorow which
it goeth of its own accord to the Sea.
The other is to turn it into Main-Po at Stellata, for, as at other
times it hath done, it will carry it to the Sea happily.
As to what concerns the making choice of the firſt way, that
which ſeemeth to perſwade us to it is, that we therein do nothing
that is new, in that it is but reſtored to the place whence it was
removed in the year 1522. in the time of Pope Adrian, by an
agreement made in way of contract, between Alfonſo, Duke of
Ferrara, and the Bologneſi; and that it was diverted for reaſons,
that are either out of date, or elſe have been too long time
In like manner the facility wherewith it may be effected, let­
ting it run into the divided Po, whereby it will be turned to Fer­
rara, or elſe carrying it by Torre del Fondo, to the mouth of Maſi,
and from thence thorow the Trench made by the Ferrareſi,
along by Panaro, where alſo finding an ample Bed, and high and
thick Banks, that will ſerve at other times for it, and for the wa­
ters of Po, there may a great expence be ſpared.
That what ever its Fall be, it would maintain the ſame, not
having other Rivers, which with their Floods can hinder it; and
that running confined between good Banks, without doubt it
would not leave la Motto by the way; but eſpecially, that it
would be ſufficient if it came to Codigoro, where being aſſiſted by
the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sea, it would run no hazard of
having its Chanel filled up from thence downwards.
That there might thence many benefits be derived to the City,
by means of the Running Waters, and alſo no mean Navigation
might be expected.
On the contrary it is objected, That it is not convenient to

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