Folk Religion in the Balkans (The British Academy Research Project)
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8 resource(s) found.
Illustrative motifs of Genesis 1-4
Items taken from the Ilarion Makariopolsky Museum (Elena), the Rila Monastery, the Church of St. Demetrius (Teshevo), the Church of St. Nicholas (Musomishta), the Bulgarian National Library Sofia, and
from the Village of Vurbeshnitsa, Bulgaria
Source information
Illustrative motifs of Genesis – Saga of Abraham
Items taken from the Rila Monastery, the Rozhen Monastery, the Eccliastical Museum of History and Archaeology (Sofia), the Alino Monastery. the National Library Sofia, the Church of Sts. Theodore Tyron and Theodore Stratilat (Dobarsko), the Church of St. Demetrius (Teshevo), the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin (Berkovitsa), the Church of the Holy Virgin (Pazardzhik), and the Krypta Museum National Gallery (Zhitosvat), Bulgaria
Source information