Historical Sources on Spatial Concepts
255 resource(s) found.
Anonymus, Ein begründter und verständiger Bericht von dem Feldmessen : wie man Aecker, Wisen, Gärten, Höltzer, Weyer, und andere Grundstuck ihrer grösse nach, und wievil deren jedes Jucharten, Rueten und Schuech aigentlich in sich halte, messen, auch dieselbige in etliche gleiche oder ungleiche Thail abthailen soll, 1655
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:6C8V4S73
Anonymus, Kurzverfasster historischer Bericht, aller derjenigen Cometen, so innerhalb hundert Jahren, das ist: vom Jahr 1566. bis auff das jezige 1664. Jahr, sonderlich den 18. Decem. St. N. zu Augspurg, und dann ferner zu Nürnberg, Straßburg, Hamburg, Lübeck, Leipzig und anderer Orten ist erschienen, samt dero darauf erfolgeten Würckungen, 1664
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:XK5G1R2Q
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Works included:
Eutocii Ascalonitae in Archimedis libros sphaera et cylindro, atque alios quosdam, Commentaria, nunc primum et Graece et Latine in lucem edita / Eutocius Ascalonius
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:XS0HGPGX
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Biancani, Giuseppe, Sphaera mvndi, sev cosmographia demonstratiua, ac facile methodo tradita : in qua totius Mundi fabrica, vna cum nouis, Tychonis, Kepleri, Galilaei, aliorumq' ; Astronomorum adinuentis continentur, 1635
I. Breuis introductio ad geographiam.
II. Apparatus ad mathematicarum studium.
III. Echometria, idest Geometrica tractatio de Echo.
IV. Nouum instrumentum ad Horologia
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:FP4DPB9E
Cook, James; Forster, Georg, Geschichte der See-Reisen und Entdeckungen im Süd-Meer, welche auf Befehl Sr. Großbrittannischen Majestät unternommen und von Commodore Byron, Capitain Wallis, Capitain Carteret und Capitain Coock im Dolphin, der Swallow, und dem Endeavour nach einander ausgeführet worden sind; aus den Tagebüchern der verschiedenen Befehlshaber und den Handschriften Joseph Banks in drey Bänden verfaßt, vol. 4, 1774
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:KNXYEWCX
Cook, James; Hawkesworth, John, Geschichte der See-Reisen und Entdeckungen im Süd-Meer, welche auf Befehl Sr. Großbrittannischen Majestät unternommen und von Commodore Byron, Capitain Wallis, Capitain Carteret und Capitain Coock im Dolphin, der Swallow, und dem Endeavour nach einander ausgeführet worden sind; aus den Tagebüchern der verschiedenen Befehlshaber und den Handschriften Joseph Banks in drey Bänden verfaßt, vol. 1, 1774
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:37UEZKU7
Cook, James; Hawkesworth, John, Geschichte der See-Reisen und Entdeckungen im Süd-Meer, welche auf Befehl Sr. Großbrittannischen Majestät unternommen und von Commodore Byron, Capitain Wallis, Capitain Carteret und Capitain Coock im Dolphin, der Swallow, und dem Endeavour nach einander ausgeführet worden sind; aus den Tagebüchern der verschiedenen Befehlshaber und den Handschriften Joseph Banks in drey Bänden verfaßt, vol. 2, 1774
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:M7T8141P
Cook, James; Hawkesworth, John, Geschichte der See-Reisen und Entdeckungen im Süd-Meer, welche auf Befehl Sr. Großbrittannischen Majestät unternommen und von Commodore Byron, Capitain Wallis, Capitain Carteret und Capitain Coock im Dolphin, der Swallow, und dem Endeavour nach einander ausgeführet worden sind; aus den Tagebüchern der verschiedenen Befehlshaber und den Handschriften Joseph Banks in drey Bänden verfaßt, vol. 3, 1774
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:2U1K27XC
Descartes, René; Beaune, Florimond de; Schooten, Frans van, Geometria à Renato Des Cartes, anno 1637 gallicè edita; postea autem vnà cum notis Florimondi de Beavne: Gallicè conscriptis in latinam linguam versa, & commentariis illustrata, operâ atque studio Francisci à Schooten; nunc demum ab eodem diligenter recognita, locupletioribus commentariis instructa, multisque egregiis accessionibus, tam ad ulteriorem explicationem, quam ad ampliandam hujus geometriae excellentiam facientibus, exornata, quorum omnium catalogum pagina versa exhibet, 1683
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:R2MS2QWQ
Traite de la mechanique/Composé par Monsieur Descartes.
De plus l'abregé de musique du mesme autheur mis en Francois. Avec les eclaircissemens necessaires. Par. N. P. P. D. L.
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:4M4V8T85
Dubreuil, Jean, Perspectiva practica, oder vollständige Anleitung zu der Perspectiv-Reiß-Kunst : nutzlich und nothwendig allen Mahlern, Kupfferstechern, Baumeistern, Goldschmieden, Bildhauern, Stickern, Tapezierern und andern so sich der Zeichen-Kunst bedienen,1710
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:0Q8KMFZF
Euclides; Zamberti, Bartolomeo [ed.], Euclidis megarensis mathematici clarissimi Elementorum geometricorum libri XV : cum expositione Theonis in priores XIII à Bartholomaeo Zamberto Veneto latinitate donata, Campani in omnes, & Hypsiclis Alexandrini in duos postremos ; His adiecta sunt Phænomena, Catoptrica et Optica, deinde Protheoria Marini et Data, Postremum uero, Opusculum de Leui et Ponderoso, hactenus non uisum, eiusdem autoris, 1558
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:SRW2CD78
 Source information: Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
 Source information: Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
We present the Latin text of the DMA from Favaro's edition in the
standard ECHO environment, which provides morphological links to
dictionaries as well as morphological search capabilities.
 Source information: Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
We present a complete collection of images of the manuscript containing the DMA, provided by the
Bibliotheca Nazionale in Florence (MS Gal. 71; 282 images total). We are currently working on correlating
these images with the Latin and English versions of the DMA text.
 Source information: Copyright (text): Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:YPUW2BW7
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Grosier, Jean-Baptiste, Description générale de la Chine: contenant, 1. la description topographique des quinze provinces qui forment cet Empire, celle de la Tartarie, des isles, & autres pays tributaires qui en dépendent; le nombre & la situation de ses villes, l' état de sa population, les productions variées de son sol, & les principaux détails de son histoire naturelle; 2. un précis des connoissances le plus récemment parvenues en Europe sur le gouvernement, la religion, les moeurs & les usages, les arts & les sciences des Chinois, vol. 1, 1787
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:YYWB8B4B
Grosier, Jean-Baptiste, Description générale de la Chine: contenant, 1. la description topographique des quinze provinces qui forment cet Empire, celle de la Tartarie, des isles, & autres pays tributaires qui en dépendent; le nombre & la situation de ses villes, l' état de sa population, les productions variées de son sol, & les principaux détails de son histoire naturelle; 2. un précis des connoissances le plus récemment parvenues en Europe sur le gouvernement, la religion, les moeurs & les usages, les arts & les sciences des Chinois, vol. 2, 1787
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:3796WW3T
Kepler, Johannes, Ioannis Keppleri harmonices mundi libri V., quorum primus geometricus, ... secundus architectonicus, ... tertius properiè harmonicus, ... quartus metaphysicus, psychologicus et astrologicus, ... quintus astronomicus et metaphysicus ...: appendix habet comparationem huius operis cum harmonices Cl. Ptolemaei libro III. cumque Roberti de Fluctibus, dicti flud. medici Oxoniensis speculationibus harmonicis, operi de macrocosmo et microcosmo infertis, 1619
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:XTYR1T6S
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Maire, Christophe; Boskovic, Rudjer Josip, Voyage astronomique et geographique, dans l' état de l' eglise : entrepris par l' ordre et sous les auspices du Pape Benoit XIV, pour mesurer deux dégrés du méridien, et corriger la Carte de l' Etat ecclésiastique ; augmenté de notes & d'extraits de novelles mesures de nouvélles mesures de dégrés faites en Italie, en Allemagne, en Hongrie, & en Amérique ; avec une nouvelle carte des Etats du Pape levée géométriquement, 1770
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:M2UMF4YP
Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de, Die Figur der Erden, bestimmet durch die Beobachtungen der Herren von Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, le Monnier, von der Academie der Wissenschaften, und des Hrn. Abts Outhiers, Correspondents der gleichen Academie, 1741
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:VQSA8SYM
Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de, La figure de la terre, déterminée par les observations de Messieurs de Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Le Monnier, et de M. l' abbé Outhier, accompagnés de M. Celsius, faites par ordre du roy au cercle polaire, 1738
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:R44MEPRB
Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de, The figure of the earth : determined from observations made by order of the French King, at the polar circle by de Maupertuis, Camus, Clairaut, Le Monnier, members of the Royal Academy of Sciences ; the Abbe Outhier, correspondent of The Academy and Mr. Celsius, Professor of astronomy at Upsal, 1738
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:RV21955B
 Source information: Copyright (images): Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Palladio, Andrea, L' Architettura : divisa in quattro libri ; ne' quali, dopo un breve trattato de' cinque ordini, et di quelli avertimenti, che sono piu necessarii nel fabricare, si tratta delle case private, delle Vie, de i Ponti, delle Piazze, de i Xisti, et de Tempij, 1642
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:F1TEVMPH
Works included:
I. Pars, Quâ facillima ac expeditissima Methodus omne id, quod ad Architecturam attinet, optica ratone delineandi exhibetur =
Erster Theil, Worinnen gezeiget wird, wie man auf das allergeschwindest- und leichteste alles, was zur Architectur und Bau-Kunst gehöret, ins Perspectiv bringen solle
II. Pars, Quâ porrò expeditissima Mehtodus omnia, quae ad Architecturam pertinent, optica ratione delineandi exhibetur =
Zweyter Theil, Worinn die allerleichteste Manier, wie man was zur Bau-Kunst gehörig, ins Perspectiv bringen solle berichtet wird
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:9PE7BUKS
Erster Theil, Worinnen gezeiget wird wie man alles was in der Architectur zu finden ist, auf das geschwindeste in das Perspectiv bringen und das Haupt-Fundament der edlen Mahleren auf das gewisseste erlernen soll;
Zweyter Theil, Worinnen angewiesen wird, wie alles was von archtectonischer Invention durch die Perspectiv, als das Haupt-Fundament der edlen Mahleren, correct aufgezeichnet worden, mit dem behörigen Sonnen-Tag- und Flammen-Licht, zur natürlichen Vollkommenheit zu bringen...
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:8BQXPKVT
Tartaglia, Niccolò, General trattato di numeri, et misure vol. 3: La terza parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure: nel quale si dechiarano i primi principii, et la prima parte della geometria, con bellissimo, et facilissimo modo... La quarta parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure: nella quale si riducono in numeri quasi la maggior parte delle figure ... La quinta parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure: nella quale si mostra il modo de essequire con il compasso ... La sesta parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure: nella quale se delvicida quella antica pratica speculativa ..., 1560
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:Y54QM110
Further information:
This diagram shows a group of folio pages. The connectedness of the notes on different pages is indicated by two kinds of arrows. Drawn-out arrows indicate Harriot's own pagination, dashed arrows indicate the transfer of a result. The small selection of folios currently presented will in the future be enlarged in order to provide a comprehensive overview on Harriot's notes on motion.
This diagram is the result of scholarly work.
Please cite as:"Matthias Schemmel:
A Diagram on Thomas Harriot's Notes on Motion in a Medium, 2003.
Wolff, Christian von, Elementa matheseos universae, vol. 3: Qui Opticam, Perspectivam, Catoptricam, Dioptricam, Sphaerica & Trigonometriam Sphaericam, atque Astronomiam tam Sphaericam, quam Theoricam complectitur, 1735
 Source information: Copyright (images): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Permanent URI:http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/MPIWG:WSZ2YM7T
The exhibition "Albert Einstein – Chief Engineer of the Universe", organized by the Max Planck Society, was presented from 16 May until 30 September 2005 in the Kronprinzenpalais, Unter den Linden in Berlin.
The exhibition aimed to convey to a wide audience the scientific revolution triggered by Einstein, as well as Einstein the person, probably the most famous scientist of the 20th century and distunguished person of contemporary history.
It was conceptualized by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science under the leadership of Professor Jürgen Renn.
This collection presents Einstein's 49 contributions to Annalen der Physik.
The collection includes the pathbreaking papers of Einstein's annus mirabilis 1905, which changed our understanding of space, time, matter, and radiation.
Partner institutions and contributors:
Between 1880 and 1930 mathematical and theoretical physics underwent substantial changes. on the one hand linked to the emergence of several fields of mathematics (group theory, algebraic geometry, topology) and on the other hand the disintegration of the Newtonian physics under the effect of the discovery of the electromagnetic waves, the X-rays, the radioactivity, the electrons, and the quantum energy. It is specific to the French scientist Henri Poincaré (1854-1912) to have participated in all these transformations. At the age of 26, Poincaré discovered the theory of Fuchsian functions, thanks to which one could resolve any linear differential equation with algebraic coefficients. The impact of this discovery was to make him corresponding member of the German Academies, even before being nominated for a chair of mathematical physics at the Faculty of Sciences and elected as member of the Institute. Throughout these positions, Poincaré influenced French mathematical research for more than 25 years while pursuing his teaching and research activities. At his death in 1912, he had published some 600 articles on pure mathematics, geometry, celestial mechanics, physics, and philosophy of science.
Partner institutions and contributors:
With the installation of an infrastructure that facilitates the electronic publication of source texts it became possible launch an alternative representation of Galileo's notes on motion within the ECHO framework. Even though this ECHO representation of the manuscript does not provide some of the advanced tools of the earlier representation it benefits from the standard tools provided by the ECHO infrastructure such as for instance morphological analysis or annotation facilities.
 Source information: Copyright (images): Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Partner institutions and contributors:
Until recently the only English translation of the DMA was that of I. E. Drabkin, who translated only the first and fourth of the writings listed above (the essay and dialogue on motion). We present here, in the standard ECHO environment, a
new and complete English translation by Raymond Fredette.
 Source information: Copyright (text): Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Partner institutions and contributors:
Walter Carl Ferdinand Zabel, born 1892 in Bromberg/Posen, studied from summer 1911 to summer 1912 in Breslau and from winter 1912 to summer 1914 in Göttingen. From 1914 to 1919 he joined the military service, but must have had time to hear a lecture of Einstein in the winter 1917/18 at the university of Berlin without being registered. From 1919 to 1920 he finished his studies in Halle and worked afterwards until his retirement in 1957 as a teacher at a gymnasium in Berlin-Tempelhof. He died in 1968 leaving behind two carefully written volumes with lecture notes. The first volume contains essentially a comprehensive lecture of David Hilbert on the foundations of mathematics. As an appendix to this lecture, Zabel copied a publication of Minkowski's famous 1908 lecture on space and time. The second volume begins with another lecture of Hilbert, a lecture on analytical mechanics at the university of Göttingen in winter 1913/14. The volume continues after the interruption of Zabel's studies with a lecture of Grammel on hydrodynamics at the university of Halle in summer 1919. The volumes ends with notes taken at Einstein's lecture on statistical mechanics at the university of Berlin in Winter 1917/18. In contrast to other lecture notes, these notes are written on bad quality paper and incompletely worked out, obviously as a consequence of the war. Zabel kept, however, stenographic notes of the parts missing at the end.
Partner institutions and contributors:
The Jewish National and University Library keeps some of the most important sources documenting the emergence of modern physics, among them notebooks of Albert Einstein and Hermann Minkowski.
Partner institutions and contributors:
The Einstein-Schlick-correspondence reveals the fruitful relationship between the scientific philosophy and modern physics within the period from the 1910s to the 1930s. The letters concern the philosophical consequences with respect to the rising of the relativity and the quantum theory. Furthermore the correspondence illustrates the intellectual and socio-cultural back-ground that was decisive for the relativity and the quantum revolution to take place.
Partner institutions and contributors:
The extensive correspondence between Hans Reichenbach and Moritz Schlick is one of the most important sources of the origin and the development of the scientific philosophy in Europe in the first half of the 20th century. Both Schlick and Reichenbach were very much involved in the philosophical debates concerning the relativity and the quantum revolution. Most significantly, the correspondence deals with the concepts of space, time, natural law, probability and causality and its fundamental changes due to modern physics.
Partner institutions and contributors:
Correspondence 1923/24
The extensive correspondence between Hans Reichenbach and Moritz Schlick is one of the most important sources of the origin and the development of the scientific philosophy in Europe in the first half of the 20th century. Both Schlick and Reichenbach were very much involved in the philosophical debates concerning the relativity and the quantum revolution. Most significantly, the correspondence deals with the concepts of space, time, natural law, probability and causality and its fundamental changes due to modern physics.
Partner institutions and contributors:
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science has recently acquired what has been preserved of the Ernst Gehrcke Papers. Parts of these papers will be digitized and made accessible. From 1902 until 1946, Gehrcke, an experimentalist and specialist in optics, was employed at the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, and became director of the department of optics in 1926. Ernst Gehrcke is known as a fervent critic of Einstein and a leading figure among Einstein's German opponents. The Ernst Gehrcke Papers contain correspondence with the physicists Philipp Lenard, Stjepan Mohorovicic, Ludwig Glaser, Hermann Fricke, Johannes Stark, Otto Lummer and the philosophers Oskar Kraus, Melchior Palagyi, Leonore Frobenius-Kühn, and others; numerous offprints and booklets; some drafts and manuscripts by Gehrcke, for example, Über das Uhrenparadoxon in der Relativitätstheorie and Die erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlagen der verschiedenen physikalischen Relativitätstheorien, and all the parts which were rescued from the Gehrcke newspaper article collection.
Partner institutions and contributors: