292112That the Earth may be a Planet.
I ſay, if the Motion of the
Heavens, which are ſmooth Bodies, may be
able to carry with it ſo great a part of the
Elementary World: or if the rugged parts
of the Moon's Body, be able to carry with
it ſo great a part of the Air, as Fromondus
(Ant. c. 16.) affirms; much more then may
our Earth, which is a rugged mountanous
Body, be able to turn about ſo little a part
of the World, as that vaporous Air next
unto it.
Heavens, which are ſmooth Bodies, may be
able to carry with it ſo great a part of the
Elementary World: or if the rugged parts
of the Moon's Body, be able to carry with
it ſo great a part of the Air, as Fromondus
(Ant. c. 16.) affirms; much more then may
our Earth, which is a rugged mountanous
Body, be able to turn about ſo little a part
of the World, as that vaporous Air next
unto it.
Suppoſe the inward Circle to repreſent
the Earth; and the outward, the thicker
Air which encompaſſes it. Now it is eaſily
conceivable, that the revolution of ſo great
a Body as this. Globe of Earth, may
the Earth; and the outward, the thicker
Air which encompaſſes it. Now it is eaſily
conceivable, that the revolution of ſo great
a Body as this. Globe of Earth, may